Although these were not easy times, I learned that after the storm calm comes.
At that time my business of communication towers grew, I installed over 40 radio stations on the island, but nothing from my InCruises company, since we had no system, everything was endured. The incredible and shocking thing is that the company helped the partners who were at that time in the situation that the island of Puerto Rico was going through. That’s when I realized that this company had a heart.
The incredible thing is that when the internet came to the island, in November 2017, something amazing happened. I realized that all the other physical products companies on the island, within the network marketing industry, had lost everything. Many of these companies closed their warehouses and the leaders lost their ranks and qualifications. Instead, our company grew because it did not depend on a physical product.
That month we had our second cruise with 27 people, who enjoyed an incredible cruise for 7 days. Many of those people were still recovering from the losses caused by the hurricane and were enjoying our product, with all the comforts, thanks to our Membership Club.